The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission
Billie Campbell
Billie Campbell, chief operating officer for the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC), spoke at our November 11, 2009 meeting. The TJPDC is one of 21 planning district commissions in Virginia established by the General Assembly under the Virginia Area Development Act in 1969. TJPDC has six member jurisdictions: the City of Charlottesville and the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and Nelson. TJPDC is directed by a 12-member commission, consisting of two representatives appointed by each locality, more than half of whom are local elected officials. Ms. Campbell’s presentation will briefly review the history of the TJPDC since its creation in 1972, explore its working relationships with localities and public agencies, and present its programs and activities.
As chief operating officer, Ms. Campbell oversees TJPDC’s program operations and is responsible for the timely production of deliverables, preparation of the budget, implementation of policies, internal processes, and monitoring the effectiveness of programs and progress toward agency goals. She leads the Community Development Team at TJPDC and serves as the primary staff for the Charlottesville HOME Consortium. During her ten years at TJPDC, she has also provided staff support for the Jefferson Area Disability Services Board, the Local Workforce Investment Board, the Youth Council and the Jefferson Area Transition Council. She holds a Master of Public Administration degree from George Mason University, a Master of Architecture and Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies from the University of Illinois. Prior to her career in public administration, she practiced for twenty years as a structural engineer and project manager. She maintains her registration as a Professional Engineer.
The November 11, 2009 meeting of the Senior Statesmen of Virginia was held at The Charlottesville Senior Center. The event was moderated by SSV Board member Sue Liberman.