Archive for the 'Programs' Category

U.S. Immigration – The Basics

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

Current U.S. Immigration Law is based on the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act.

 · US immigrant population changes over time 

· How the US government operates and enforces US immigration law 

· How US policy has affected our immigration situation today 

· Current U.S. Immigration Law is based on the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act

 · The national immigration questions we face today 

· Current policies and practices 

Alyson Ball addressed these things at our March meeting, which marked the 25th anniversary of the founding of SSV.  Ms. Ball earned a B.A. from Cornell University and an MBA from The Wharton School. After a career in corporate marketing and international strategy, she worked as a microfinance troubleshooter in Africa and Central Asia.  Having moved to Charlottesville in 2003, Ms. Ball consulted with and taught nonprofit boards and their executive directors.  Currently, Ms. Ball volunteers as a member of the Community Development Committee of the International Rescue Committee that resettles refugees in Central Virginia.  For the last five years, Ms. Ball has spent winters in Southern Arizona and has studied U.S. Immigration — giving fact-based presentations about US immigration to the general public nationwide.

The program was moderated by SSV Board Member Peyton WilliamsThe video of the program can be accessed by clicking here.  Or listen to the podcast.

The meeting was held via Zoom.

Alyson Ball

Peyton Williams

Program Summary

From the beginning, Ms. Ball stated that she was not here to convince one of a policy, but rather provide a fact-based presentation. She began with a brief history of US immigration when all immigrants were accepted and it was easy to become a citizen to the 14th amendment after the Civil War where being born “in soil” led to citizenship to the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act where Family Preferences and Skills, Country Caps and temporary VISAs were the basis for laws, i.e., we let in people we want and whose skills we need.

There are about one million individuals seeking a pathway to citizenship. Of that group, three-fourths are family based, 140,000 are employment based and 130,000 are humanitarian. Detention Centers was another topic. These are operated by the Federal government (10%), local government (20%) and profit-making companies (70%). The average cost is $100-200/ per day. In discussing unauthorized immigrants, 42 percent overstay a legal border crossing, may have worked in the US for years and are essential frontline workers, not taking jobs from Americans, but rather doing jobs Americans won’t do and need to be done.

During Trump’s presidency over 1,400 changes were made to immigration policy through executive orders, federal registry rules, attorney general and budgetary decisions and international agreements. These policies were accomplished without changing any laws and many have been challenged in the courts. Biden through executive orders has reversed several including refugee caps, border wall and DACA restrictions.

In conclusion, Ms. Ball’s desire is to have Americans understand our immigration systems and work to make better immigration policy.

UVA Health – Challenges during COVID and the future

Thursday, February 11th, 2021

Dr. Craig Kent, executive vice president for health affairs at the University of Virginia, spoke on the challenges during the COVID pandemic including UVA’s COVID vaccination rollout first to health care staff and then to those over 75, and on the current status and future of UVA Health.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

To determine current eligibility and fill out a survey to obtain an appointment, go to the Virginia Department of Health, Blue Ridge Health District at, or call the district hotline at 434-972-6261.  There is now a state-wide hotline at 877-275-8343 that is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

To see a video of the Zoom presentation with moderator Rich DeMong, SSV Past President, click this link:

A podcast is also available here.

Dr. Craig KentK. Craig Kent, MD, is the executive vice president for health affairs at the University of Virginia. He is responsible for overseeing all UVA Health operations and reports directly to the president. A researcher, educator and physician, Dr. Kent is an internationally recognized leader in academic medicine. He was elected to the 2019 class of inductees into the National Academy of Medicine, one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine. He is the 2019-2020 chair of the American Board of Surgery.

Prior to joining UVA Health, Dr. Kent served as dean of The Ohio State University College of Medicine, vice president for health sciences and the Leslie H. and Abigail S. Wexner Dean’s Chair in Medicine. In his nearly four years as dean, Dr. Kent helped Ohio State make significant investments in research through growth of infrastructure and recruitment.

Before Ohio State, Dr. Kent served as chair of the Department of Surgery at University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health, and was chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery at Weill Medical College of Cornell University and Columbia College of Physician Surgeons.

He has been a funded researcher for more than 25 years, investigating molecular mechanisms underlying vascular disease with the goal of developing new treatments using innovative methods of drug delivery.

Dr. Kent has authored more than 325 articles and 65 book chapters and has served on the editorial boards of multiple medical journals. He has lectured nationally and internationally with more than 50 named visiting professorships and keynote presentations.

Dr. Kent earned his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco, where he also completed his surgical residency. He then completed a research and clinical fellowship in vascular surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Program Summary

UVA Health has four sections: the medical school, nursing school, physician organization and hospitals including three hospitals in Northern Virginia. It has 14,000 employees and yearly revenue of $3 billion. One goal of the organization is to transition from the patient coming to the doctor, with the doctor going to the patient and care provided by a whole team on site, not just one physician. This new philosophy will be one focus of the new strategic plan being developed in the summer of 2021.

COVID information and questions from the audience filled the remainder of the meeting. UVA developed a COVID test early that had a six-hour turnaround time to diagnose the disease. They built negative-pressure rooms holding 84 beds to provide care for very ill COVID patients to decrease mortality.

Concerning the administration of the vaccine, Dr. Kent said that the VA Department of Health controls the supply distribution. Currently UVA has a location in the former Big Lots building  in Seminole Square, and has a capacity to deliver 3,000 shots per day. The supply has only been 3,500 per week. Admitting that specific answers for seniors would be preferable, Dr. Kent stressed that the recommendations for COVID vaccinations and the supply of vaccine are moving targets, and they change when more information is available from the Department of Health. For those who have had the vaccine, the current plan is to “stay the course” with masking, social distancing and personal hygiene.

Criminal Justice Reform- A Dialogue

Friday, January 15th, 2021

Our January program featured the Commonwealth’s Attorneys from Albemarle, James Hingeley, and Charlottesville, Joe Platania. They discussed the recent changes in law as passed by the 2020 General Assembly and some of the proposals being put forward for the upcoming session.  Jeff Gould, president, Senior Statesmen of Virginia, moderated the discussion and took questions from the Zoom participants.

Click to watch the Zoom recording.  The podcast can be obtained below.

James Hingeley took office January 1, 2020, as the elected Commonwealth’s Attorney for Albemarle County and is a member of Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice.  He served as public defender for Albemarle County and Charlottesville from 1998 to 2016, and was public defender for Lynchburg, Virginia, from 1991 to 1998.  From 1978 to 1991 he was in private practice in Charlottesville.  After graduation from UVA Law School in 1976, he completed a two-year judicial clerkship for the West Virginia Supreme Court.  Hingeley is a 1969 graduate of Harvard.

 In 2005, Hingeley was named a fellow of the Virginia Law Foundation, and in 2008 he was named a Wasserstein Public Interest Fellow at the Harvard Law School.  In 2014 he received the Virginia Bar Association’s Roger D. Groot Pro Bono Publico Service Award, and in 2017 he received UVA Law School’s Shaping Justice Award for Lifetime Achievement in Public Service. Hingeley has served as president of the Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Virginia Fair Trial Project. He served on the Board of Governors of the Virginia Bar Association and was a member of the Virginia State Bar Criminal Law Section Board of Governors.  In 2013 he was elected to Bar Council, the governing board of the Virginia State Bar, representing the 16th Judicial Circuit.  In 2016, Govenor Terry McAuliffe appointed Hingeley to a three-year term as a member of the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission.

 Joe Platania graduated from Washington and Lee School of Law in 1998 and started his legal career at the Virginia Resource Center where he represented Virginia inmates that had been sentenced to death. 

 He came to Charlottesville in 1999 as one of the original attorneys at the then newly opened Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Defenders Office. Platania joined the Charlottesville Commonwealth Attorney’s Office in 2003 and was elected Commonwealth’s Attorney in 2017. He was a cross-designated special assistant U.S. attorney for the Western District of Virginia from 2008-2017. In addition to his duties as Commonwealth’s Attorney, Platania currently serves on the Board of Governors of the Virginia State Bar’s Criminal Law Section and is the board president of the Charlottesville Albemarle Drug Treatment Court. He is the vice-chair of the 7th District Disciplinary Committee of the Virginia State Bar and is the director of the Prosecution Clinic at the University of Virginia School of law. Platania is also a member of the Virginia Criminal Justice Conference which is an organization that seeks to improve criminal justice in Virginia by assembling selected legal professionals and stakeholders in the field of criminal law to study and discuss issues of interest, to gather information, and, when substantial consensus can be reached, to propose legislation or rule changes to effect reform of criminal law and criminal procedure.

 Program Summary

How did two men with criminal defense attorney backgrounds become Charlottesville and Albemarle County commonwealth attorneys?  Jim Hingeley (county) and Joe Platania (city) spoke at the January 13th meeting and explained how this came to pass. Then for the remainder of the session answered questions from the audience. Both men agree that their backgrounds led them to better understand why crimes were committed and addressing those challenges would reduce criminal behavior. They see their roles as prosecutors as balancing the safety of the community with the rights of the defendants. These attorneys are both known as “progressive prosecutors” and hope that their philosophy will lead to criminal justice reform.

They reviewed new laws passed in the 2020 General Assembly including the banning of police from executing unannounced warrants, using choke holds, or conducting searches based on the smell of pot. Other new laws include empowering localities to form police civilian review boards with the power to subpoena and impose punishments. Juries will decide guilt or innocence, but no longer be imposing sentences. Judges will assume sentencing as they can have more knowledge and a better understanding of the law. Also, in certain categories, prisoners can earn good time credit and reduce their sentences.

In response to questions about the effect of the pandemic, both men agree that trying to reduce jail population has been a goal. A collaborative group including attorneys, jail personnel, judges, OAR, and clerks as well as program services providers work together to find alternatives to serving jail time has met with success while keeping the public safe.

The commonwealth attorneys agreed on most subjects discussed. Both feel that there are bigger priorities than prosecuting pot infractions; that judges should be deciding sentences rather than mandatory sentencing for convictions; that the death penalty should be ended. Both men are interested in seeing the details of the bills promoting the expunging of nonviolent records and ending parole before forming opinions.

Community Policing

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

The chiefs of police from Charlottesville and Albemarle explored these issues and many more during the December SSV Zoom meeting.

●Supporting our police while conveying the message we want to see change; ●De-escalating strategies; ●Implicit bias training; ●Lessons learned about policing from cities such as Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Detroit; ●How to engage our community in a conversation with our local police about these issues? 

The Zoom video of the “Ask the Chiefs” event can be watched by clicking here.

The podcast is also available.

Prior to her appointment as the chief of police in Charlottesville, Dr. RaShall M. Brackney retired after 30-years with Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Additionally, she served as the chief of police for the George Washington University. She is a recognized expert in the areas of harm reduction, procedural and restorative justice practices, and community-police relations. Additionally, as a result of her work in social and racial justice, Dr. Brackney was granted a fellowship to Carnegie-Mellon University’s Institute for Politics and Strategy where she specializes in the influence of race on politics and policy. She earned Bachelors and Masters Degrees from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Ph.D. from Robert Morris University, and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia; the United States Secret Service Dignitary Protection course in Washington, D.C.; and Leadership Pittsburgh XIX.

Ron Lantz, chief of police for Albemarle County, completed his career with the Fairfax County Police Department by serving as a district station commander where he was responsible for 155 officers providing police service to the 125,000 residents. He has been with the Albemarle County Police Department since December 2012, where he served as Deputy Chief until his appointment to chief June 1, 2016. In addition, Ron was responsible for leading the implementation of the County’s Geographic Based Policing initiative, which was launched in 2012. Ron serves on several boards to include the ECC executive board, the ASAP executive board, GRACE executive board, VLEPS commission, and executive director of region for Special Olympics Torch Run.

The program will be moderated by Thomas Frampton, associate professor of law, University of Virginia School of Law, an expert in criminal law and constitutional procedure.



Program Summary

The Zoom meeting began with President Jeff Gould presiding over a brief SSV Annual Meeting. The slate from the Nominating Committee was approved with Sue Friedman for vice president/program chair; Jim Peterson for treasurer; and Bonnie Brewer and Norman Dill for directors. Financial, membership and program committee reports were presented.

President Gould then turned the meeting over to Thomas Frampton, UVA Law professor and expert on criminal law and constitutional procedure, who would moderate the program. Charlottesville Police Chief Dr. RaShall Brackney and Albemarle Police Chief Ron Lantz were the presenters. An “Ask the Chief” presentation followed with questions from the audience and moderator.

The first question was, “How do you define community policing?” Lantz explained that since 2012 the county has been divided into two geographic based districts with each staffed by its own officers in order for the community and officers to get to know each other better. As a result, there has been a 30 percent decrease in crime and police response times, and there is increased trust between the police and community. Brackney avoids the term “community policing” and stresses her emphasis on relationship building with citizens in order to determine what they want, need and deserve.

The effect of COVID on police policy has both departments relying more on phone or online reporting from citizens, which has been beneficial in some instances and may be used more in the future. There has been a decrease in violent crimes and traffic stops. On the other hand, there have been concerns about increases in domestic violence, homicides and suicides as well as an underground economy with so many unemployed, e.g., drug dealing.

Other questions involved how prepared are the police for the next big demonstration, internal and external oversight of the police, 5th amendment right about property taken by police, progressive prosecutors, and implicit bias training of police.  

This program was very informative and the chiefs covey a sincere desire to improve the relationship between the citizens and police and are working hard to promote public safety. You are urged to watch the video or listen to the podcast.

Virginia Clean Economy Act: Goals and Implementation

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

The Virginia Clean Economy Act was signed into law in April.  This makes Virginia the first state in the South to target 100 % clean power.  The deadline for this is 2050.  The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy is one of the Commonwealth’s agencies charged with making sure the VCEA’s goals are met.

Listen to a podcast of the meeting.

Watch a video of the Zoom meeting held on November 11 by clicking here.  The program was moderated by Bob McGrath, SSV board member and past president.  The speakers:

Al Christopher has been director of the Energy Division of the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy since March 2009.  For about four years prior to that he was executive director of Virginia Clean Cities, a nonprofit coalition that promotes alternative fuel and electric vehicles.  Al was a second-generation fuel distributor and a newspaper editor and reporter, working in Hampton VA; Tampa FL; and Washington DC. He has a B.S. in mass communications and an MBA, both from Virginia Commonwealth University.

Michael Skiffington is the director of policy and planning for the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy.  He serves as the agency’s primary liaison to the General Assembly, as well as being the agency’s regulatory coordinator since January 2010,  Michael also leads the agency’s strategic planning team.  A lifelong Virginian, he received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Old Dominion University and a law degree from George Mason University.  An avid musician since the age of eight, Michael lives with his wife in downtown Richmond, anxiously awaiting the return of live music.

Program Summary

The Virginia Clean Economy Act passed by the legislature this year. By 2050 Virginia targets to be 100 percent clean power. After an explanation of the role of the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME), the speakers focused on the implementation of the Clean Economy Act. There are benchmarks to be met along the way to a 100% clean power economy with penalties for failing to reach them.
For example, by 2030 30 percent of energy must come from renewable resources and any new building has to account for the cost of carbon pollution. Penalties are administered by DMME.

Past legislation has tried to address the problem of pollution, but in recent years there is renewed interest, and additionally new to this legislation is the requirement that there can be no negative effect on disadvantaged communities.

Wind and solar power are additional areas that offer opportunities to reach the 2050 goal. Twenty-seven miles offshore of Hampton Roads there are three wind turbines that could produce enough energy for 5,000 homes with many more turbines in the works.

The speakers also spoke about the economic opportunities for business in Virginia such as research and development and job training. Virginia is involved in regional cooperation in this venture as well as “cap and trade” efforts with northeastern states. There are two major companies affected by this act, Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power with separate goals for each one.

Redistricting and Gerrymandering — Virginia Proposed Constitutional Amendment #1

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

A debate was held on the pros and cons of a constitutional amendment on redistricting that is on the November ballot.  An explanation of the amendment by the Virginia Department of Elections can be found here.  The SSV meeting was held via Zoom. Click here for a video recording of the meeting. A podcast recording is also available.

Brian Cannon was the executive director of OneVirginia2021 for five years and lead their grassroots, nonpartisan organization in lobbying legislators to pass a constitutional redistricting reform amendment. Brian is now the executive director of FairMapsVA, a ballot campaign dedicated to educating Virginians about Amendment 1 and urging them to vote yes to end partisan gerrymandering in Virginia.


Christopher Ambrose is a small business owner from Fairfax County and has been a longtime community activist and long-standing advocate against gerrymandering.  Mr. Ambrose supports independent redistricting and is a founding member of Fair Districts Virginia, a grassroots group that supports independent redistricting and opposes the constitutional amendment.


Program Summary


Christopher Ambrose, Brian Cannon and moderator Bob McGrath

Christopher Ambrose, an opponent of the proposed constitutional amendment #1 on this year’s ballot, and Brian Cannon, a proponent of the amendment were the presenters. The men agreed upon the problem: The need to remove the legislators from the drawing of district lines. Each has a different vision of how we get there. Brian Cannon who is for the amendment feels this is a “good government” issue and agrees that it is not perfect. He is pleased that there is a hybrid commission of one-half legislators and one-half citizens that are evenly balanced by parties, is transparent and makes racial gerrymandering illegal. This amendment has a lot of support from independent organizations who have fought for redistricting reform around the country.

Christopher Ambrose is opposed. From his perspective the amendment trades one type of gerrymandering for another. His ideal is to get legislators totally out of the process. His objections include that though judges pick citizens for the commission, they are picked from a list provided by legislators. His compromises would be to have some legislators on the commission, not as effective would be half legislators on the commission. This amendment also includes legislators setting criteria. New Jersey passed a similar amendment and results have been the incumbents there have an advantage and voter turnout is diminishing. Questions from the audience then followed.

It was a pleasure to watch a presentation where both parties could have a civil disagreement with each articulating his position of a complicated issue clearly, acknowledging common ground and offering options for moving forward. SSV encourages watching the video to better understand this important issue.

Fifth Congressional District Candidates Forum (2020)

Thursday, September 10th, 2020

Mr. Bob Good (R) and Dr. Cameron Webb (D), candidates for the US 5th Congressional District participated in the September 9 SSV Candidate Forum, which was held via Zoom.  Allison Wrabel of the Daily Progress was the moderator.

There is a video of the meeting that can be accessed here. 

The podcast below begins with Jeff Gould, president of the Senior Statesmen of Virginia.

The event went as described below with the podcast times indicated.

00:00 - Introduction from Jeff Gould
01:30 - Moderator Allison Wrabel introduces the candidates
04:45 - Democratic Candidate Cameron Webb
18:30 - Republican Candidate Bob Good
30:30 - Webb is given change to rebut Good's concluding statement
32:00 - Question #1 - The 5th District encompasses different kinds of area from rural
 to small cities. There can be a difference in ideology among those constituents.
 If elected, how in any specific way would you bridge that gap?
37:00 - Question #2 - What will both of you do if elected to address environmental
 conditions and climate change?
43:00 - Question #3 - Which specific actions are you going to take to get broadband
 to the 5th District
48:30 - Question #4 - Can you each discuss your views on health care?
55:40 - Closing statement from Good
59:00 - Closing statement from Webb

Virginia General Assembly Legislative Report (2020)

Friday, June 12th, 2020

Our June program recaps the recently concluded session of the Virginia General Assembly with reports by our local legislators. Present at the meeting were Del. Sally Hudson (D) of the 57th District, Del. Chris Runion (R) of the 25th District and Sen. Creigh Deeds (D) of the 25th Senatorial District.

The meeting was held on Zoom. Following the presentation, questions were taken from the audience. The program was moderated by Meg Heubeck, Director of Instruction for the Youth Leadership Initiative, UVA Center for Politics.

Program Summary


Delegate Sally Hudson

Delegate Chris Runion

Senator Creigh Deeds








.  Del. Hudson and Del. Runion are both first session members of the General Assembly and Sen. Deeds is completing his 29th year in office. The members spoke about the successes and disappointments of the session. All three were pleased with the passage of the budget on March 12,2020 and concerned about the anticipated $2.2-3 billion deficit (2% of total budget) anticipated because of the COVID virus. The unknown effect of COVID-19 was an overriding concern of all three.

The members were asked questions on their primary goals. Deeds said education, healthcare and safety, Hudson replied budget with both more equitable taxation and less spending, and Runion listed non-partisanship, redistricting, agriculture, clean energy, and broadband to rural areas. All three agreed on needed concern and responses of government to the Black Lives Matter demonstrations.

Deeds emphasized the need to reform policing and stressed importance of training for de-escalation skills and implicit bias training. Hudson said racism should not be a separate issue, but a consideration in every decision made. Runion agreed with his colleague’s goals but said the conversations on the topic were important though the solutions each have may differ.

Asked about the Confederate statues Deeds replied that local government control made sense and Hudson pointed out that the legal aspect of removing statues is determined by different laws in different locations. Other topics of conversation centered around redistricting, on-line vs. mail voting, clean energy, gun control, and the agenda for the August session.


Cry Havoc: Charlottesville and American Democracy Under Siege

Saturday, May 16th, 2020

The deadly invasion of Charlottesville, Virginia, by white nationalist militias in August 2017 is a microcosm of the challenges facing American democracy. No one is better placed to tell the story of what really happened, and to draw out its larger significance, than Michael Signer, then Charlottesville’s mayor. His new book, Cry Havoc: Charlottesville and American Democracy Under Siege, is a vivid, first-person chronicle of the terror and mayhem of the August 2017 Unite the Right event that reveals how issues of extremism are affecting not just one city but the nation itself.

Mr. Signer sets the events on the ground, the lead-up to August’s “Unite the Right” rally, the days of the weekend itself, the aftermath-into the larger context of a country struggling to find its way through the Trump era.

Mike confronts some of the most pressing questions of our moment. How do we:

  • Reconcile free speech with the need for public order?
  • Maintain the values of pragmatism, compromise, even simple civility, in a time of intensification of extremes on the right and the left?
  • Address systemic racism through our public spaces and memorials?
  • Do something about the widespread disaffection with institutions and a democracy that seems to be faltering and turning on itself?

The siege of Charlottesville shows how easily our communities can be taken hostage by forces intent on destroying democratic norms and institutions. But Mike concludes with a stirring call for optimism, pointing out, with evidence drawn from Charlottesville and work it has spurred since, that even this tragedy contains an opportunity to bolster democracy from within and defend our very ability to govern.

The podcast of the event is below.  This Zoom program was hosted by Rich DeMong, SSV board member and past president. It was moderated by board member Peyton Williams.

 Mike Signer served as the mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, from 2016-2018 during the Unite the Right rally of 2017. The Washington Post wrote that he was “one of Trump’s strongest critics.” Afterward, he founded and chaired Communities Overcoming Extremism: the After Charlottesville Project, a bipartisan coalition including the Anti-Defamation League, the Ford Foundation, the Charles Koch Institute, the Fetzer Institute, and New America. National Public Radio featured Mike’s work “sharing painful lessons from the fight against hate.”

Mike is VP and general counsel of the country’s largest independent digital design agency, where he sits on the firm’s executive committee. He has also taught for the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech. He is the author of three books: Cry Havoc: Charlottesville and American Democracy under Siege (PublicAffairs, 2020), Becoming Madison: The Extraordinary Origins of the Least Likely Founding Father (PublicAffairs, 2015), and Demagogue: the Fight to Save Democracy from Its Worst Enemies (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). He has written for the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and Time, and has been interviewed on Meet the Press, Face the Nation, The Rachel Maddow Show, AC360, and NPR.

He is a recipient of the Levenson Family Defender of Democracy Award from the Anti-Defamation League, the Courage in Political Leadership Award from the American Society for Yad Vashem, and the Rob DeBree & David O’Malley Award for Community Response to Hatred from the Matthew Shepard Foundation. Forward Magazine has named him one of 50 most influential Jewish leaders in America. He is an Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow. He has been profiled by the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CNN, and the Guardian.

He lives with his wife and their twin five year old boys in Charlottesville. In his spare time, he enjoys running, reading, cooking, gardening, and being a jungle gym for his boys.

Program Summary

Former mayor of Charlottesville spoke on the selection of Cry Havoc as the title chosen for the book. “Havoc” was originally a battle cry and he now feels “cry havoc” is a challenge to understand American Democracy, its democratic resilience and its ability to resolve problems. The title reflects not only the August 12 demonstrations in Charlottesville, but also that Charlottesville parallels what is happening all over America.

Speaking specifically of the problems in Charlottesville, Signer spoke of three major and two minor “brushfires” that led to the demonstrations. 1. The conflict of freedom of speech and public safety. 2. The history of race relations in the community and the statue debate. 3. Accountability leading to tension between government and citizens. 4. Civility and 5. Equity. Democracy is messy and there are lots of gray areas that don’t have simple clear answers to the proper way forward.

Signer then spent time talking about the structure of a city manager form of government and how it influenced the responses on August 12. He made it clear that the role of city council is to advise the city manager whose job it is to make the decisions during an emergency. Mr. Signer is not a proponent of this type of governing and would prefer that the mayor and council have more of a decision-making role and the city manager would become an elected position. He admits the latter was not popular with his colleagues. Mr. Signer spent time to review the actual contacts between city leaders and UVA on August 11 and 12 and the work to try to rescind the August 12 permit.

As a result of a Virginia paramilitary law and August 12 studies that assessed what could have been done to prevent the riots, ideas were implemented on the one-year anniversary and no militia groups returned to Charlottesville.

The Center at Belvedere

Sunday, March 15th, 2020

The Grand Opening of The Center at Belvedere was going to be April 18, 2020, but it has been postponed. The Center will offer all the key ingredients for aging well including programs to promote social, physical and intellectual wellness. In this podcast, The Center Executive Director Peter Thompson shares his plans for the new facility.  The charts shown include photos of the new facility and they can be downloaded here.  The program was moderated by SSV President Jeff Gould.

Peter Thompson joined The Center in 1999. A resident of Charlottesville for more than 40 years, he received his undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and his MPA with a concentration in nonprofit management from VCU.

While serving from 2006-2012 on the National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC) Delegate Council, a part of the National Council on Aging (NCOA), Peter chaired a national task force on New Models of Senior Centers; the resulting report was published in the Journal for Applied Gerontology. He serves as a NISC accreditation reviewer and standards trainer.

Recently, he worked with a small group of his peers to found the Virginia Association of Senior Centers within the Virginia Recreation and Parks Society. This association gives senior centers a greater voice in helping Virginia and its localities prepare for the age wave. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UVA, and Madison House. He was a founding director for the Virginia Network of Nonprofit Organizations (VANNO), serving two years as chair, and for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNE) in Charlottesville. In 2010, the United Way Thomas Jefferson Area selected Peter for the Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership award.

Program Summary

The Center on Hillsdale Drive is now closed and the new Center at Belvedere is opening in April 2020. The Weldon Cooper Research Group was hired to study the case for an expansive vision for the center as a vibrant facility with an ambitious outreach plan. The senior population of our area has increased from 24,488 in 2000 to estimated 42,791 in 2020.

Aging population impacts not just healthcare, but also community planning, social services, economic development and families. Active aging and increased longevity add more contributors and less cost to society. To that end, The Center sees its role to provide programs that support active aging, partnerships with area organizations, space for community groups, community and civic engagement, and awareness of aging issues.

One could not help but be impressed by the thoughtful design of the new facility to accommodate these goals. Intentionally designed for diverse and changing needs with floating exercise floors, lots of space for activities or private small group conversations as well as the safety concerns in parking lots and lighting.  A Sentara Family Medicine practice is included and there is bus accessibility. Peter added that the Center has come in ahead of schedule and under budget!  Membership options were explained. The new Center has a cost of $24 Million of which $22 million has been raised. Contributions will be gratefully accepted.