Jim Nix, of the Charlottesville Electoral Board, and Dr. Clara Belle Wheeler, of the Albemarle County Electoral Board, joined the April SSV meeting to provide information on voting processes, changes, locations and updates as we prepare for primary and general elections in 2023.
Jim Nix, Board Secretary, Charlottesville Electoral Board
Jim Nix has been a Virginia resident since 1970. He retired in May 2007 from a career with the Defense Department as a mechanical engineer and intelligence analyst. Free of the Hatch Act after 40 years of federal employment he immediately began volunteering for local Democratic candidates and joined the Charlottesville Democratic Committee. He worked as a full-time volunteer for most of 2008 in the Obama campaign and remained active in Organizing for America during the first Obama term returning to volunteer in the re-election campaign in 2012. Jim served four years as co-chair of the Charlottesville Democratic Committee; after leaving that position at the beginning of 2014 he was appointed to the Charlottesville Electoral Board where he continues to serve as board secretary. For the past three years he has been active in the legislative committee of the Virginia Electoral Board Association.
Clara Belle Wheeler, Vice Chair, Albemarle County Electoral Board
Clara Belle Wheeler, MD, is an Albemarle County resident and developer, as well as a doctor specializing in hand and orthopedic surgery. She earned her medical degree from VCU. Dr. Wheeler serves on the Albemarle County Electoral Board and has served on the Commonwealth of Virginia State Board of Elections She is active in politics and identifies herself as a Republican. Dr. Wheeler is also a member of the SSV Board of Directors, having been elected to serve the remaining term of Norman Dill, upon his resignation. Dr. Wheeler will represent Albemarle County in this program presentation.
Program Summary

The Democratic Primary will be held on June 20th for Democratic candidates only, although ANY registered Virginia voter may vote. City Council currently has 6 candidates vying for three positions; the 54th VA Delegate seat has 3 candidates vying for one seat; and the 11th VA Senate seat has 2 candidates vying for one seat.
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and School Board seats in the Rio, Scottsville and White Hall Districts are up for election. In addition, the Albemarle County School Board At-Large seat is up for election.
Again, this year, there is “no excuse” early voting…which is both absentee and in-person voting. ID rules are the same as before with no photo ID required. Absentee voting rules are the same. Same-day registration and voting is the same. She noted that the process of paper ballots, optical scanning and digital poll books remains. The bipartisan process is upheld and taken with great responsibility — meaning that election integrity follows the law.
Due to a number of changes in voting precincts in the City, be sure to check your voting location on your registration card, or visit
Due to changes in Magisterial Districts and precinct boundaries required by redistricting, Albemarle residents can determine where to vote here https://www.albemarle.org/government/elections/where-to-vote.
Voting takes place from 6 am to 7 pm on Tuesday, June 20th and Tuesday, November 8th.
The ENTIRE General Assembly, all Delegates and all Senators, are up for election! Note that the VA Senate district #11 is a new district for ALL of Charlottesville and Albemarle County. The ENTIRE City of Charlottesville and the “urban ring” of Albemarle County are a new VA Delegate District #54. The rest of Albemarle County (68%), part of Fluvanna, part of Nelson and part of Louisa Counties is the new VA Delegate District #55.
The four resignations in the Buckingham County registrar’s office, including the registar Lindsey Taylor, were discussed. The NBC news article on this topic can be accessed here.